Future of Work and Women Employment Project was initiated by the women employment and the gender equality working group in 2022 with the aim of determining the digitization-related competencies of the existing female talent pools of companies and creating a guideline for HR Departments. The project planning was made with our member KPMG. Surveys and Workshops were organized with our members, best practices of our members were included. The rate of our members participated in the project is 62,5%, according to the results of the member satisfaction survey it was also rated as best and most inclusive project of 2022. With reference to Sustainable Development Report 2021 data, Turkey is struggling with great difficulties in terms of gender inequality. In this context, as BCSD Turkey, we continue to work contributing to the studies in this area with the project we have developed for gender equality.
The results of the research report are as follows;
- While the rate of white-collar female employees of our members was 36.4% in 2019, it increased to 37.2% in 2021.
- We have seen that the rate of women executives is 29%, and the rate of women in the Board of Directors is 23%.
- When we look at the data of 410 companies traded in Borsa Istanbul, we see that the rate of women in the Board of Directors is 16.7%.
- While 79% of the participating companies put digital transformation on their agenda, it is seen that 41% of these companies carry out competency transformation studies for female employees.