About Us

The Business and Sustainable Development Council (BCSD Türkiye) was established in 2004 under the leadership of 13 private sector representatives and is a business association that only accepts corporate memberships.

As the regional network and business partner of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), BCSD Türkiye shares the sustainability issues that come with this collaboration with its members, which include working groups, and through its various platforms.

Our Mission

As an advocacy-based think tank, our mission is to promote economic growth and societal welfare, along with sustainable resource management, through a self-centric approach to sustainable development;

  • Advocating policy dissemination
  • Boosting the business sector

Our Objectives

  • Increasing the awareness of the business world and the public on the concept of sustainable development;
  • Inciting the increase of good practices which would set examples, and promoting them;
  • Contributing to policy development on sustainability;
  • Developing appropriate tools and channels for the promotion of sustainable development.

Vision 2050: Time to Transform

BCSD Türkiye is an outstanding platform focused on sustainability. Its member companies learn from each other, and they also inspire good practices. The members of the Council produce value together. On this platform, businesses are in contact and they interact with strong partners. Owing to the international character of the Council, the members benefit from both global and national developments and accumulation of knowledge about sustainability. Through the expertise they obtain, they gain momentum in their own journeys of sustainability..

We contribute to sustainable development

Our aim is to achieve the transition to a sustainable world, and to that end, we cooperate with companies from different industries and sectors.

We create value for our members

We prepare our members for a world where more sustainable companies are more successful.

We are influential

We provide the most effective platform with the purpose of creating the influence the world needs and the value our members deserve.


Board of Directors

Ediz Günsel

PwC Türkiye

Meral Murathan

Vice Chair

Duygu Yılmaz

Vice Chair

Seçil Yıldız


Elif Çapçı


Barış Kökoğlu

Borusan Holding

Neslihan Sadıkoğlu

Doğan Holding

Volkan Ural

Kibar Holding

İzlem Erdem

Türkiye İş Bankası

Ali Fuat Orhonoğlu


Mete Buyurgan


Elif Yener

Zorlu Enerji

Ümit Nuri Yıldız

Alternate Member
Alarko Holding

İbrahim Özgür Yıldırım

Alternate Member

Nesli Kılıçal

Alternate Member

Emre Hatem

Alternate Member
Rönesans Holding

Mustafa Gökhan Günbulut

Alternate Member
Sanko Holding

Meltem Okyar Perdeci

Alternate Member
Shell Türkiye

BCSD Türkiye Team

Konca Çalkıvik

Executive Director

Ayşegül Yazgan Yücetürk

Deputy Executive Director

Ceylan Hünal Garih

Deputy Executive Director

Berzem Erbin

Corporate Communications Manager

Serkan Soyer

Project Manager

Bükre Deniz

Project Manager

Elif Cüceloğlu

Project Manager

Buse Gürçay

Senior Administrative and Financial Affairs Specialist

Serhat Şabap

Communication and Project Specialist

İlayda Apay

Assistant Business Development Specialist

Yeşim Umur

Project Assistant Specialist

Erdem Şahin

Communications Assistant Specialist